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Hologram realistic media overview

Landscape media art product that maximizes IT convergence effect by combining hologram image projecting device using inverted pyramid type half mirror structure with existing street light and using four lower display displays

Holographic reality media HW

  • 15 "LCD 4 3D digital content images are projected on a 4-sided half-mirror screen in inverted pyramid shape to realize hologram image

  • Space-hologram-hologram optical engine and system capable of providing clear images even in the brightest (300 lux)

  • Ultra-high-sensitivity, transmissive mirror screen film The film itself is a pseudo-hologram device

Detached state

Combined state

Landscape Lighting Street Street Combine Marketing

Leverage as an advertising and entertainment service platform    

    -  Communication of major media (daily newspapers, magazines, etc.)
       with communication in the direction that can be utilized as promotions 

       of theme parks and local event streets

    -  Hologram platform proposal for Lotte Cinema, CGV, publicity center
       of big entertainment agency

Seeking direction to connect local win-win service model

  - Efficient installation according to the characteristics and purpose of each place such as public place, general store, building and office, gas station, school, etc.

③ Suggested as a hologram marketing tool for tourist attractions such as large exhibition halls and theme parks

  - New hologram media through IT newspaper

  - Suggestions with brand marketing tools (eg airport, Namsan Tower, etc.)

  - Suggestions as location guidance tools (eg COEX, DDP, etc.)

④ Seeking direction to connect local win-win service model

  - Large space navigation tool

  - Utilizing digital signage for hologram marketing in public places
      such as bus stops

  - It is suitable for the above-mentioned ordinance because it is planned 
     to construct a hologram for the public interest and the publicity video
     for each local government and install it in the street light.

  - If the media platform is applied to the smart street lamp that is installed for the local government, it will be fused with the DID media, not the concept of advertisement,


경기도 고양시 일산동 고봉로 32-19 남정씨티프라자 7차 504호 (주)포디비전

504 No. 7, Namjung City Plaza, 32-19 Gobongno, Ilsan-dong, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

​TEL : 031 . 901 . 4823  I 031 . 629 . 6029


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